Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Elevator Sales Pitch REVISED

As I was preparing for my first "elevator pitch" last night, I came across a brilliant guy named Simon Sinek on Youtube who spoke about how great companies/brands communicate.

Simon argues that most advertisers start from the outer circle and work inward.  Take for example a car dealer ...
WHAT - great deals right now on all remaining 2010 models
HOW - our cars are the most reliable and have the highest customer satisfaction rating
WHY - you should by a car from us because these prices can't be beat

Simon then goes on to say that the best companies have all the exact same resources as their competition, yet they seperate themselves by reversing the order of their message.  These innovative companies do this because they understand that the recipie for success is to sell to people who believe what you believe, not just buy what you have to sell.

So, with that in mind, I rewrote my 30 second elevator pitch and would love any feedback you have on this one.

Hi, my name is Marc Binkley.   I believe that marketing is about communication; that marketing is fun; that marketing can be measurable and most importantly I believe that the best ideas are the ones that are shared.  Typically, I like to meet with clients in person so that I can get a better understanding of their marketing goals, their business objectives and their customers.  Based on that information, I build a customized multiplatform marketing plan for my clients.   I happen to sell radio, but what my clients buy is a resource.  My name is Marc Binkley and you can find me on google, I'd love to meet with you.


Girl From Canmore said...

Here's my advice after finding you on twitter I just had to post!

Please don't just blurt out pre programmed version of what u do. Make a conversation out of you "speech".

#1. First thing u need to do in my opinon is catch the person's attention. Get them interested or even saying “what". Your first line should be interesting or a lil bit shocking... That might be something along the lines of "There's a lot of empty space out there, and I fill it with words". You need to say something to the person that makes them want to listen to you go on. Take a moment right now and say "NO" to Robot talk.

#2. Now give a conversational non b.s statment that will expand on ur inital line like...
"I run a marketing business whose main goal is to sell radio"
"When companies are burnt out from their lousy ads i rocket in and give them fresh new look.

#3 Now u can go on to tell a story about what u do.

"I recently helped a startup small business create a marketing plan and media strategy—and they’ve now got (number here) new customers and 1,000 extra hits a day to their website".

Final point:

Make it conversational, interesting and thought provoking. Then you might just find that it makes someone so interested they may even ask for your business card.

You seem like a funny person (your twitter picture tells me u are)use that to your advatage. People like to laugh don't forget that.

Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

Here's my advice after finding you on twitter I just had to post!

Please don't just blurt out pre programmed version of what u do. Make a conversation out of you "speech".

#1. First thing u need to do in my opinon is catch the person's attention. Gets them interested or even saying “what? Your first line should be interesting or a lil bit shocking... That might be something along the lines of "There's a lot of empty space out there, and I fill it with words". You need to say something to the person that makes them want to listen to you go on. Take a moment right now and say "NO" to Robot talk.

#2. Now give a conversational non b.s statment that will expand on ur inital line like...
"I run a marketing business whose main goal is to sell radio" Or... "When companies are burnt out from their lousy ads i rocket in and give them fresh new look.

#3 Now u can go on to tell a story about what u do.

"I recently helped a startup small business create a marketing plan and media strategy—and they’ve now got (number here) new customers and 1,000 extra hits a day to their website".

Final point:

Make it conversational, interesting and thought provoking. Then you might just find that it makes someone so interested they may even ask for your business card.

You seem like a funny person (your twitter picture tells me u are)use that to your advatage. People like to laugh don't forget that.

Hope this helps!

Marc Binkley said...

Thanks Girl from Canmore!

That's an interesting take. I didn't consider my elevator pitch as "robot' talk. I'll take another look at it and rework it!